Create Adapter Container
The WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Agent Adapter can’t run on the ASI Node, and thus need a Container Adapter.
If this is to be done on a Single Node SB2BI Instance, I go to the <SB2BI install Directory>\install\bin and stop SB2BI (./, and then run the following commands (it will take some time).
Then start Sterling B2B Integrator again (./
If it is a Clustered Installation, like in my case where I have 2 SB2BI Nodes in a cluster, the first command (./ 1 false) don’t need to be executed. This command was executed when the Cluster was configured. So then the only thing needed to be executed is ./ 1. The number 1 indicates that this is the first Adapter Container. So this number has to be 2 for the second one and so on.
To start the new Adapter Container, execute the command ./ 1 (when starting SB2BI from scratch, use ./ to start both the ASI Node and the Adapter Containers).
Create FTP Server Adapter
The WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Agent Adapter uses the FTP Server Adapter to access the mailboxes on SB2BI. Both the FTP Server Adapter to be created in this step, and the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Agent Adapter created in a later step needs to run in the Adapter Container created earlier.
Create a FTP Server Adapter by going to Deployment -> Services -> Configuration. Select the Adapter Container as Environment (I activate it for both my Nodes).
Create WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Create Transfer Service
This Adapter is the adapter used when SB2BI delivers files to WebSphere MQ. By default it should be named SFGWMQFTECreateTransfer. If by any reason it is practical to use another name, that has to be edited in the file, or preferably in where the adapter name is set.
Go to Deployment -> Services -> Configuration and create a new instance of the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Create Transfer Service.